Funding a Community Campus

2 min read

A NewVistas economic community can boost its credibility and growth by starting to construct NewVistas-patterned buildings at any stage of the community’s economic development.1 Standalone NewVistas buildings are possible because all NewVistas buildings are movable.

Full community infrastructures will usually come together in phases, not unlike a patchwork quilt. Most communities will gradually acquire land and construct buildings, eventually moving buildings into place in the complete community pattern.

A bird’s-eye, time-lapse film of a NewVistas community forming might initially show a few buildings popping up here and there across an area of urban or rural sprawl. Over time, these buildings will begin to cluster into villages and districts. Eventually the grid and blocks of a full NewVistas community will become visible.

NewVistas estimates it will cost about $10 billion to construct a complete community campus and another $10 billion to help grow 40,000–50,000 businesses. If each of a community’s 100,000 participants invests $20,000, the community banks can leverage that $2 billion into loans totaling $20 billion via the federal banking system.

Once the physical community is constructed, the community will charge participants enough rental fees to meet the funding obligations and pay for other costs, including repairs, maintenance, and amortization.

Synergies at Full Scale

While the NewVistas economic system is effective without a physical campus, the economy becomes turbocharged when placed within its prescribed physical setting.

Key sources of this economic power include walkability, job and activity proximity and variety, and low cost of living. In a group of 50 adjacent physical communities, the economy goes supersonic.

A physical NewVistas community can produce economic value sufficient to support its population. More than half of a community’s economic activity happens within the community itself, from working to shopping. Many needed and wanted goods and services inside a NewVistas community are made or provided by that community’s contractors and VistaBizzes, including food, energy, and education.

However, a physical community is not a self-sufficient island isolated from the rest of the world. Communities also import and export goods, license intellectual property to and from outside companies, and provide services to other NewVistas communities and to people and companies outside the NewVistas system.

A full physical NewVistas economy is built primarily on services. In today’s economy, many people avoid paying others for personal or household help because it’s too expensive.

However, from a NewVistas perspective, today’s do-it-yourself approach ultimately wastes time and money instead of saving it. People lose time trying to figure out how to repair or upgrade their home, appliances, and vehicles, and they devalue these assets by doing substandard, amateur work.

In a full NewVistas community, participants do less of their own cooking, cleaning, laundry, remodeling, and repairs. By paying contractors and VistaBizzes to provide these services, participants enjoy more free time, improve their living standard, protect the quality of their physical assets, and help energize the community economy.

  1. When the first NewVistas economic community reaches over 75,000 participants, it will split into three new economic communities of about 25,000 participants each. This early growth stage is the only time when a NewVistas community can have fewer than 75,000 participants. When these three economic communities each reach 100,000 participants, 25,000 from each community will join to form another economic community, allowing each community to maintain the required minimum of 75,000 participants. Going forward, additional communities will form by similar means.[]