Quarterly Organizational Meetings

2 min read

To seat a community’s organizational structure in quarterly conference requires two of the community’s 24 multipurpose buildings.

As shown below, each of the two buildings has two assembly halls, and each assembly hall contains the same 480 chairs for the same 480 public servants, reflecting the fact that each seat is actually held by four individuals, for a total of 1,920 public servants serving a community of 75,000–100,000 individuals.

During organizational conferences, 480 married men occupy specific chairs (each 24″ wide, with 4 feet between rows) in one assembly hall, 480 married women occupy identical chairs in another hall, 480 single females occupy a third hall, and 480 single males occupy a fourth assembly hall.((If two people of the same gender are legally married, the couple decides which partner meets with the “men” and which meets with the “women.”))

Seating a community’s organizational structure requires two multipurpose buildings, each with two identical assembly halls that seat 480 people. In all four halls, each chair represents the same specific position, and each hall contains one of the four adult demographics: single female, single male, married male, and married female.

From his or her assigned chair, each public servant can stand, speak in a normal tone without a microphone, and be heard by all other public servants present in the assembly hall. This is made possible by the elliptical arch in each assembly hall’s ceiling, which helps reflect sound to all in the room.

In most organizational conferences, the 24 agency presidents will probably do most of the talking, so they are seated in podiums at both ends of the assembly hall. One set of 12 podiums represents the Human and Financial Capital Department and the other set represents the Process and Property Department. These podiums are tiered not to signify hierarchy but simply so each agency president can better be seen and heard.

Each of the four assembly halls contains 480 specifically assigned seats for a community’s public servants (one hall is shown above; each hall is for one demographic group). Each seat depends on the location of the public servant’s village and district, as well as their responsibility.

An assembly hall is specifically designed for those sitting in the body area to face either set of podiums; to enable this, transforming technology allows seats on the floor to easily switch direction.

The seating design affirms that equal attention must be paid to the duties and responsibilities of both main departments and that one department does not preside over the other.