
3 min read

The NewVistas Community Pattern

If all humans lived in luxurious, dense, communities that offered sustainable comfort and prosperity, what would such communities look like?

NewVistas apartment

NewVistas is striving to create a community pattern that is scalable and sustainable for all humans worldwide. The pattern decisively curbs rural and urban sprawl, thereby leaving far more land for natural ecosystems. This approach will also boost human health, social life and economic prosperity.

Each NewVistas community consumes only the land, energy, building materials, and natural resources that are sustainable for everyone in the world to consume equally. At the same time, the NewVistas pattern provides the highest quality of life possible for all people worldwide.

The pattern accomplishes this by recalibrating all aspects of human living at the most efficient, productive scales and proximities, including a nonhierarchical organizational structure and a fair, inclusive economic system.

Physical campus

We call the community pattern NewVistas because beautiful, green views are visible from all apartment windows and public community buildings, as well as from other vantage points throughout each campus. Also, the term implies a situation in which new things can happen.

A NewVista community includes an inner walkable living center. It is surrounded by an equally sized, mirrored industrial zone. beyond the mirrored industrial zone are approximately 196 square miles of easily accessible adjacent areas for farming, pastures, and material resources.

At 1.44 square miles in size, a community’s central living area functions as what we call “the world’s largest mansion.” It provides 100,000 individuals with an optimal, sustainable mix of personal and public amenities.

All buildings are mass-produced and assembled on site. All community buildings – apartment, district, and hub buildings are designed to adjust to a set of needs, including size and accessibility..

Organizational structure

The NewVistas organizational matrix brings together 75,000–100,000 individuals to promote cooperation, mutual well-being, and other socially positive relationships while also ensuring individual privacy.

The 24 districts and 96 villages have specific locations within a community, which are always the same in all NewVistas communities.

Participants – limited partners and their dependents live in apartment buildings. An apartment building has five floors, with the ground floor serving as a garage and storage, and the next four floors containing apartments. Around 10 limited partners live in each floor. With their dependents, they form a unit. Four units that occupy the apartment building form a branch.

10 branches form a village, which has around 400 limited partners and their dependents, totalling around 1,000 participants. 4 villages form a district. 24 districts form a NewVistas community.

The NewVistas organizational matrix defines how 5,760 successful participants serve a community in highly specific, part-time, unpaid roles. This large number of public servants, assisted by agencies’ automated systems, ensures unfettered access to community services and assistance.

Economic system

The NewVistas economic system synergizes and supports thousands of individually owned businesses that provide the community with food, education, healthcare, household services, and many other needs and wants.

the Community’s Capital Bank, which receives limited partners’ investment in the community 1 , leverages these funds by investing in community agencies, which provide chargeable services to participants. From the return it earns from its investments, it pays limited partners a return, based on the level of their investment and the community agencies’ profitability.

Every limited partner owns a business. Agencies help them to establish and run these businesses. There are no employment relationships in the community, enabling each business to service a portfolio of clients. This in turn boosts their profitability, experience, and operational independence.

Community bylaws and investment objectives discourage businesses from growing too large or creating monopolies that threaten the community’s economic equality.

Next Chapter
Explore what it’s like to live in a NewVistas community.
2. Physical Campus
  1. Each limited partner invests a minimum of US$ 20,000[]